Since September 2021, the IBCR has been providing technical support to the Kingdom of Morocco’s Ministry of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and Family for the development and implementation of a child protection training program.
The project supports the Ministry in the implementation of territorial child protection mechanisms.
The IBCR’s technical support will complement the existing training program by equipping it with a new pedagogical kit that will ensure better integration of children’s rights. The training will be given to the staff already in place, but also to several trainers, who will in turn be able to train future staff for the coming years.
These actions will allow for better prevention of cases of violence against children, better accompaniment of child victims and better monitoring of children in need of protection, particularly children in migration situations.
The project is funded by UNICEF and is part of the implementation of the Integrated Public Policy for Child Protection in Morocco (2015-2025).