For five years, volunteers were deployed in Costa Rica as part of the project “Protection of Children, Women and Other Vulnerable Communities (PRODEF)”. Our local partner, the Paniamor Foundation, works for the well-being of children and adolescents, and enables them to live a life without violence or discrimination. Discover in video the work of the Paniamor Foundation through the eyes of one of our cooperants, Henry Bautista, who presents the projects and activities carried out during his one-year mandate in Costa Rica, from May 2018 to May 2019.
Henry Bautista participated in the volunteer cooperation program as a communications advisor; he carried out two mandates, in Morocco and Costa Rica, as part of the PRODEF project, which was implemented by the International Bureau for Children’s Rights and Lawyers Without Borders Canada (CBSA), thanks to the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada.
During his mandate with the Paniamor Foundation, Henry helped to reinforce the organization’s external communications strategy. Among other things, he reorganized the digital communication strategy, changed the way Paniamor’s actions are communicated through storytelling, gave more visibility to success stories, and analyzed and systematized their best practices.
Beyond this support to the organization, his mandate has gradually turned towards the diffusion of his skills to young people, using communication tools to improve their potential for dialogue and training to guide them in their role as actors of change. With this in mind, he created and presented a workshop entitled: “Communication tools: participatory social video. »
“My work as a communications consultant has been focused on the protection of children’s rights and on generating social change. This led me to create and apply a participatory communication model to include young people in the process, going beyond the usual techniques of communication. » The video below presents the partner foundation Paniamor, its projects, including the Trayectorias Juveniles/ Youth Pathways project, and the activities carried out within the framework of the development worker’s mandate. The youth of the foundation were involved in the process of creation and production of the video, under the direction of Henry Bautista. The Protection of Children, Women and Other Vulnerable Communities (PRODEF) project ended in late 2019, but the collaboration with the Paniamor Foundation is continuing within the framework of voluntary cooperation. Our next volunteer cooperation program will start soon, and plans to send other volunteers like Henry to Costa Rica within the Paniamor Foundation, and to other countries for similar development projects.